After completing Lyons Township High School, his views became more and more extreme. Through dedicated anti-fascist research, Nick Fuentes was outed as an attendee of Unite The Right, the deadly white supremacist rally that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, at which point he was promptly run out of Boston University. The Chicago-Tribune covered the situation, where Nick Fuentes espoused anti-Muslim and anti-immigrant views, along with defending white pride and the Boston situation:
He received his first splash of internet fame after he went on an antisemitic rant on his show, which concluded with
“Who runs the media? Globalists. Time to kill the globalists. I don’t want to not watch CNN. I don’t want CNN to go out of business. I don’t want CNN to be more honest. I want people that run CNN to be arrested and deported or hanged because this is deliberate, ” as reported in Huffington Post.
For those who don’t know the ugly history of the word “Globalist” The Atlantic took a dive into its background:
“Despite the seemingly joking use of the term “globalist” by Trump and Mulvaney, many were quick to point to the word’s unseemly past as an antisemitic slur, embraced in alt-right circles before spreading into broader political discourse”
As the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt puts it:
“Where the term originates from is a reference to Jewish people who are seen as having allegiances not to their countries of origin like the United States, but to some global conspiracy”
In short, “globalist” is an antisemitic dog whistle for Jewish people.
“The reason I wouldn’t call myself a white nationalist—it’s not because I don’t see the necessity for white people to have a homeland and for white people to have a country,” Fuentes said. “It’s because I think that kind of terminology is used almost exclusively by the left to defame and I think the terminology and the labels that we use—I don’t think that we can look at them outside of the context of their connotations in America.”
He rejects all claims of being a white nationalist, but anyone paying any attention sees this blatant facade for what it is. He leans hard into all the hateful rhetoric that is socially acceptable in conservative circles: hatred of Muslims, of immigrants, of trans people, and of anyone else he can denigrate without anybody noticing his red armband. And all the usual hatred of minorities is also there, just under the surface. He hates miscegenation, is obsessed with race demographics, and believes wholeheartedly in the antisemetic conspiracy theori
is simply misleading.
In the last few days, Nick has deepened the friendship he’s cultivated with white nationalist group Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement leader Patrick Casey and joined forces with other alt-right individuals to harass Turning Point USA and their founder Charlie Kirk at the college tour “Culture War.”
Earlier this year, the media collective Unicorn Riot released thousands of messages that members of the Neo-Nazi organization the American Identity Movement (AmIM) posted on the platform Discord, and they featured antisemitism, Holocaust denial, racism, and homophobia, along with praise for the convicted murderer of Heather Heyer at the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. AmIM also helped organize the Charlottesville rally, and Patrick Casey was in attendance.
After Unite the Right, Nick became a member of Identity Evropa, and then later the American Identity Movement, as revealed through his discord. For more information on the newly-discovered identities of hate group members of Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement, you can see the large tracker here.
Nick Fuentes and Patrick Casey team up to punch Charlie Kirk and TPUSA while they’re on tour, resulting in some cringe headlines like this one:
And then even worse articles describing the situation like this. Nick Fuentes and Patrick Casey are further splintering their own movement which is like popcorn to us, even if TPUSA membership is distressed:
On Patrick Casey’s side, he is reveling in some attention, as his hate group membership has plummeted following their communication channel leaks and subsequent doxxes. As he struggles for relevancy, he seeks to hitch his wagon to Nick Fuentes’ star, “On November 1, Casey posted a link on his Telegram account to a SoundCloud-based podcast called Restoring Order, writing that for the “first episode” of the podcast, “I’m joined by Nick Fuentes and Jake Lloyd to discuss recent events: TPUSA’s recent Q&A sessions, Conservatism Inc.’s response, the purpose of the Dissident Right & more!” The SoundCloud page for Restoring Order features a link to AmIM’s donation page,” from Media Matters article “A white nationalist launched a SoundCloud podcast and plugged his secret Twitter account.”
Not to be outdone, another irrelevant white supremacist has jumped into the middle of the TPUSA controversy and attempted to court Nick:
Remember Richard Spencer? That basic white guy appearance hides a radical white separatist whose goal is the establishment of a white ethnostate in North America. Since he’s been kicking around the fringes of importance, here’s the SPLC’s primer on him and views.
Richard Spencer is in Chicago nowadays, squatting in his girlfriend Megan Bobonick’s apartment in the South Loop, right by Cermak and Michigan. She’s a noisy faux-liberal wannabe Satanist seeking her doctoral degree at Lewis University.
For more information on both of them, including how their relationship began and how it was determined that Megan’s liberalism is an act, read this comrade’s article:

archived here: https://archive.md/M8RIZ
And then a deeper dive: From the Underneath the Academic Veneer, Meet the Real Megan Bobonick article:

Megan’s article is archived here: https://archive.is/D9OLE
Richard Spencer and Patrick Casey are the company Nick Fuentes courts and seeks to showcase to his audience as a means to support them in their weird crusades against other organizations.