Patriot Front propaganda clean up: Lockport IL

In January 2022, Unicorn Riot independent media collective posted a massive leak of American fascist group Patriot Front’s internal servers which included tons of personally identifying information, unredacted face pics, as well as explicit plannings of hate crimes. Identified members of the hate group, image galleries, and other helpful resources can be found at

In the face of incredible public disgust and outrage at Patriot Front’s beliefs and actions, most notably at their march in DC in December 2021 and their failed attempts to join March For Life in Chicago and DC, both in January 2022, Patriot Front leader Thomas Rousseau commanded his dwindling group of white nationalists to post stickers and other propaganda in towns near their homes to aid in online recruitment efforts. In Lockport, Illinois, neighbors made short work of the four neo-Nazi stickers hung up, hours after they appeared. People on the ground reported that the cheap, poorly-printed stickers would not have survived the elements beyond a day as they were already disintegrating in the sleet. Further proof that Midwest winters also hate Illinois Nazis lol:

Despite the risks taken by the single local white nationalist who we believe to be living in Joliet, IL, the next town over, his efforts were easily undone and the people in Lockport continue to be blissfully unaware of Patriot Front.


Antifascism is community defense! If you have any information about Patriot Front members, local white nationalists, or anything in between, email us at

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Logan Plank aka Patriot Front member Clarke IL, an STL-area, Sheet Metal union (SMART 36) applicant, son of Wood River, IL councilman Jeremy Plank and Bethalto teacher Tiffany Plank

Logan Plank of Wood River, Illinois is also known as Clarke IL, a member of Patriot Front, a violent white supremacist group, as proved by their internal documents leaked today by Unicorn Riot.

Patriot Front was founded in the aftermath of 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. The fascist who drove his car into the crowd, killing Heather Heyer and injuring dozens of others, marched at the rally with Thomas Rousseau of Vanguard America, a neo-Nazi group. For more information on James Alex Fields, click here. Soon after, Rousseau formed Patriot Front as a splinter of Vanguard America. The then-teenaged founder, Rousseau, seized membership and assets of an earlier white power organization, Vanguard America, and rebranded his group as Patriot Front.

While the organization uses red, white, and blue patriotic imagery, Patriot Front is unambiguously white nationalist, stating that “Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding [white] stock of our people.” The organization is also fascist, an early text was titled “American Fascist Manifesto”, and involves neo-Nazis within its ranks. Since 2017, Patriot Front has also held “flash mob” events, where they are easily spotted in their uniform of khaki pants, polo shirts, ball caps, and white gaiter masks, and carrying American flags, smoke bombs or other props. At these events, their uniformed members will unload from the back of a rented U-Haul or Penske box truck, then briefly march along their planned route through the city, usually at night when there are few bystanders. The purpose of these marches is to generate footage for a few minutes of flashy recruitment videos for their social media channels. As well as holding flash rallies featuring masked participants, Patriot Front regularly spreads propaganda in the form of stickers, banners, and stencil graffiti. Patriot Front goal is often intimidation, for example when it targets synagogues with propaganda for the racist group. Following 2020’s mass anti-racist protests and rebellion, Patriot Front has increasingly targeted Black Lives Matter and racial justice murals for defacement. Patriot Front does this both to threaten its perceived enemies and to build notoriety for the organization. Today, Patriot Front is one of the most active distributors of racist and antisemitic propaganda in the country, both online and via fliers, stickers, and banners. Per its manifesto, the group is does not allow women to join and is actively working to create a whites-only ethnostate.

Below, in Patriot Front’s own video, ripped from their bitchute in case they delete it, we see documentation of Patriot Front vandalizing Black Lives Matter memorials, hanging banners over highways and of course, repurposing a Missouri FBI billboard in retaliation for the FBI knocking on their members’ doors. We share Patriot Front’s promotional video for educational purposes only.

As radicals and anti-fascists, we have no love for the state nor any of its enforcement mechanisms like the police, FBI, ICE, DHS, etc nor do we particularly care when any of their billboards are defaced. However, we are interested in uncovering the identities of the white nationalists hiding in our midst, and supporting communities in their defense against the rising tide of fascism.
Taken from Patriot Front’s telegram channel, which we will not be linking to because we don’t promote nazis:
After the neo-nazis posted, others did so as well. Their messages are below and archived here and here. White nationalists posted in support of it on iFunny, which we archived but will not be sharing.
On January 21 2022, as Patriot Front was marching at the anti-abortion protest in DC independent media outlet Unicorn Riot released 500GB of Patriot Front’s unaltered internal communications. The leaks include “private, unedited videos and direct messages reveal a campaign to organize acts of racial hatred while indoctrinating teenagers into national socialism (Nazism).”

“This release is now made available to the public at Volunteers upgraded Unicorn Riot’s DiscordLeaks platform to host 55,249 RocketChat messages and file attachments, allowing the public to search the cache and inspect how fascists try to operate discreetly at their most inner levels.” From UR’s BitTorrent section: PatriotFrontLeaks BitTorrent release:

The PatriotFrontLeaks BitTorrent file release requires approximately 440 gigabytes of space. (Contains more than 6600 files). The app “Transmission” v3.0.0 (Linux/Mac) and “qBittorrent” v4.4.0 (Windows) is confirmed to work with this release. BitTorrent packaging courtesy of Distributed Denial of Secrets.

Note: Torrents are not an anonymous method of downloading files. More info here.”

The January 2022 leaks of Patriot Front’s inner workings, white supremacist rhetoric, connections to the US military, and attempts to infiltrate mainstream conservative movements have been published widely in national media outlets.
For more information, see the full articles whose headlines are captured above from The Guardian, Huffington Post, NPR, Ars Technica, and Vice.
As the articles linked above also explain, upon arriving in the Patriot Front server, members are assigned a fake name and a state, obscuring their identities to one another. We are particularly interested in one young man, Clarke IL, pictured front and center in a Patriot Front training propaganda, unmasked and easily identifiable.

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#EpikFail: Christopher Lee Anseeuw aka fashwave music producer Teknein & 86Dresden of East Moline, IL

A big thank-you to the comrades near and far, throughout the years, tracking these white nationalists wherever they hide. You’re seen and appreciated! 

Teknein (pronounced “teak-nine”) first came on to our radar ahead of the national White Lives Matter march in April of this year. White Lives Matter was the failed event that was first exposed by comrades at Corvallis Against Fascism. The full planning and admin chat logs of the WLM march are available to interested parties through the above link. In case anyone is unclear about what the White Lives Matter march was all about…

In Chicago, nearly a dozen members of various white nationalist groups joined the official WLM telegram group, and so did the antifascists. Do explore our reportback “LEAKED: Inside the Chicago ‘White Lives Matter’ rally planning Telegram channels” and the liberated chat logs, focused on the dismal failure of suburb chuds attempting to rally in front of Trump Tower.
Teknein makes his brief appearance in the early interactions of the WLMChicago Chat, around March 27, 2021:
Although he only messaged the telegram chat a few times, his messages establish several important things: First, that he lives out by the Illinois/Iowa border, about 3 hours west of Chicago; Second, that he’s definitely a white power chud interested in showing up to any White Lives Matter march; Third, his information is squarely in our sites.

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LEAKED: Inside the Chicago ‘White Lives Matter’ rally planning Telegram channels

Antifascist comrades around the country mobilized to disrupt the explicit white nationalist public rally and Chicago was no different. As first reported by dear comrades at Corvallis Against Fascism, this “Sunday 4/11/21, White Nationalists are expected to mobilize in a “White Lives Matter” march in several cities across the country. This event was organized on Telegram and was widely circulated in White Supremacist circles on beginning in late March.” And, “the main organizers of the [WLM] event are very intent on keeping the rallies ‘optical.’ They beg participants to avoid using swastikas and neo-Nazi imagery. In public-facing communications, they routinely assert that they are not Nazis and are simply, “normal white people” standing up for what is right.”

After establishing ourselves as trusted members of the “WLM Chicago” planning chat, it was easy to lurk and take notes about the information the chuds were sharing in the lead up to the White Lives Matter march at Trump Tower on Sunday April 11 at 1pm CST and they are meeting in front of the entrance to Trump Tower at 401 N Wabash in the River North area in Chicago.  

As reported by Tess Owens in Vice, antifascists posed as event organizers and lured unsuspecting racists to join several fake Telegram channels causing the White Lives Matter movement to fall into shambles and shambles: “This marks yet another major setback for the White Lives Matter movement, which began organizing “The March for White Lives” on the encrypted messaging platform last month. Since announcing the IRL rallies, the movement has been plagued with paranoia, intrigue, and infighting—as well as a general lack of interest from prospective attendees. What’s more, VICE News has obtained leaked chats from a private White Lives Matter admin channel, suggesting that antifa infiltration at the highest levels was even worse than organizers thought.”

In Raw Story Jordan Green, connects Proud Boy members to the explicitly neo-nazi White Lives Matter march: “The association with the White Lives Matter rallies, which are promoting overtly white supremacist messages about a supposed white genocide, is a liability for the Proud Boys, a violent proto-fascist group that claims to be non-racist. The leaked chats show that a Proud Boy responsible for organizing the Michigan White Lives Matter rally went to some effort to hide the fact that members of his group are involved in the effort. The Telegram user “Telly Savalas,” who was the admin for the @WLM_Michigan channel, expressed concern on April 5 about a user named “BamaPatriot 2º” who wrote, “POYB,” with an A-OK emoji. Those are signifiers associated with the Proud Boys.” And as you’ll see in the Chicago channels, Telly Savalas is indeed posting in there, urging others to attend. Corvallis Against Fascism identified Telly as known Proud Boy Vito Russell from Sterling Heights, MI.

To continue the disruption from anywhere, comrades are encouraged to create a new Telegram account, join the telegram channels (Chicago Public WLM Channel, Chicago WLM Planning Channel, & National WLM Channel) and have fun ahead of the planned start time of 11am CST. Do make sure to keep any and all that would identify your real identity off of your new account.

Ahead of the white nationalists driving in from the suburbs to Trump Tower, we’re sharing the all the screenshots of the Chicago Planning Channel chats. We’ll be making all the Telegram files available for download soon!


Content Warning: Racism/Homophobia/Antisemitism/Transphobia/Nazi imagery/more 

Chicago White Lives Matter Planning channel from April 8 to the morning of April 11

Click through for more Telegram planning chat content!

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Playing both sides: ‘Heathen Jon’ Alexander Argumendo, antifa snitch collaborating with Revolt Thru Tradition, Chicagoland #StoptheSteal Back the Blue events, & Shield Wall Exposed operator

Buckle up your seatbelts, grab your vape, get something to hydrate yourself because this article is as complex as some WWE plotlines, although sadly without the costumes. We recognize that our audience has varying levels of knowledge about Heathen Jon Alexander Argumedo of Kilbourn Park, in Chicago IL, so we’ve broken up this mega article into sections. For clarity, Jon spells his name di lui both ways, without an H in his emails and with an H in his Facebook di lui but we’ll be using Jon throughout this piece. We drop this article as a PSA about the dangerous unrepentant white nationalist targeting Black Lives Matter protesters, counter-protesters at Blue Lives Matter, #StopTheSteal and Gun Rights events, as well as anyone he believes is a social justice warrior or ANTIFA.

Because of the complex nature of this article, please review the table of contents:

  1. Who is Jon Argumedo, a local white power skinhead since the tender age of 13?
  2. Hello yellow laces! Jon exits neo-Nazi life and leaks sensitive information about local white nationalists to us, the Chicago Anti-Fascist Action collective.
  3. White nationalism is one heckuva drug: Jon flips back and goes deeper into the Chicagoland militia groups, MAGA ralliers and national white power movements. Jon threatens people he believes are members of this and other collectives (spoiler: he has bad info)
  4. We keep us safe. This collective decides it’s in the best interests of the Chicago community to release some of Jon’s emails to us where he identifies
    • Chicago Proud Boys operating structure and membership
    • Chicago Police Officer who’s a homophobic Proud Boys (shocker, we know)
    • Jon’s former best friend and fellow white power skinhead, Sean Dolan and Sean’s involvement with federal law enforcement. Editor’s note: In November 2022, Sean Dolan shared with us that he had left white nationalism and was eager to embark on a path out of hatred. Read about Sean’s experiences of him, journey out of white nationalism, and path forward in the essay Sean Dolan on leaving white nationalism and finding community
  5. Next steps. A message to Jon from us, plus what we know about Jon and what info we’re seeking.

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“Back the Blue Events” organizer couple James Michael Andrews (aka James Anderson) & Ashley Noel Ramos of Bradley, IL

In the wild year that has been 2020, few things have stood out more than a small but troublesome influx of pro-cop and anti-protester rhetoric and ad-hoc groups popping up as resistance to Black Lives Matter and police murders of unarmed black citizens. But here we are, wrapping up the year going on a deep dive into some Back the Blue bootlickers with criminal backgrounds.
In the Chicagoland area, one hosting organization is called Back the Blue Events and has held rallies across the state. As previously articulated by comrades at Shield Wall Chicago, we also believe that organizations that worship authority, value property over human life, and are complicit if not supportive of racist, classist laws that negatively affect people of color are a direct threat to those of us who want to build another world.
Therefore, we cannot let them slink by, we must shine some light on who they are, what they do, and most importantly, all the details we can find. Back The Blue Events and groups like them are a threat to our community so let’s learn all we can. Back The Blue Events organizers are a married couple James Michael Andrews and Ashley Noel Ramos, who live over an hour from Chicago in Bradley, IL. Ashley Ramos and James Andrews began hosting MAGA rallies and events in the suburbs without much attention or fanfare, other than their Back the Blue Events Facebook. As analyzed by comrades at Shield Wall Chicago, Back the Blue Events debuted in support of the Chicago Police immediately following protesters attempting to remove the statue of noted colonizer and génocidaire Christopher Columbus. During the removal attempt, civilians defended themselves and others against pepper spray and physical attacks from Chicago Police as they protected the statue. For full recap, see hyperlocal treasure Block Club Chicago. In response to feeling threatened by Decolonize Zhicaagoong, Ashley organized the Chicago Police support rally with the assistance of John Catanzara, that Chicago Police FOP president who’s in currently in hot water for racist posts, but to their dismay Lori took it down. At the small and uneventful rally, Back the Blue Events became the place various of Republican candidates and various other right wing actors met up for the first time. As explained by Shield Wall (all photo credit to them!):
For a deeper reportback of the event, see Shield Wall’s recap and analysis.
Back the Blue Events’s pro-cop rallies increased in frequency after BLM Chicago protesters demanded that the mayor decrease the police budget and instead invest in small businesses, mental health services, public education, homelessness aid, and general neighborhood investment. Back the Blue Events has held counter-protests at Defund CPD actions, including one at Homan Square, the notorious Chicago Police ‘black site,’ where detainees have been disappeared for days or longer. Seems like a great cause to support!

The danger of pro-cop rallies in an age of police brutality and massive civil unrest about the government’s racist and inhuman treatment towards people of color cannot be overstated. Aside from a slap in the face of grieving family and community members, Back the Blue and Blue Lives Matter events are seen as general acceptance and support of police abuse and murder.

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“The balloon has gone up:” Spotlight on members of IL WTP III% Patriot Militia, IL Sons of Liberty militia & new IL recruits

Panic! in the Discord is teaming up with old friends, John Belushi Antifa and Chicago Anti-Fascist Action plus new comrades Anne Frank Army (their Twitter) and Shield Wall Chicago (their Twitter) for this lightning round of dossier publication. Currently, we’re identifying all the IL militia networks, thanks to a ton of help from a Threeper who “grew a conscious about organizing to murder fellow human beings in the name of Donald Trump.” We salute you tipster! We welcome any new information on the growing armed paramilitary movement. We have dozens of names and will be churning out dossiers in the coming weeks so if you’re on this list or think you’re on this list and would like help leaving the white nationalist/Boog paramilitary/far- or Alt-right/QAnon movement, please don’t hesitate to reach out to We won’t out you and we won’t charge you any money.

Militia growth has been exponential leading up to and in the aftermath of the US Presidential election. leading to an increase in membership, but the interconnectedness of militia, the military and the far-right cannot be overlooked. As explained in The Nation, “In a country where gun ownership and firearms training are seen by the far right as inalienable, all-American freedoms, the military is a ripe breeding ground for disaffected men looking for individual empowerment, a sense of belonging, and just such training. In fact, a recent New York Times investigation claims that veterans and active-duty military members make up more than a fifth of the membership of America’s 300 anti-government, pro-Trump “militia” groups. According to a 2019 survey by the Military Times, about a quarter of active-duty service members reported witnessing signs of white nationalist ideology among their fellow soldiers, including racist and anti-Semitic slurs and homemade explosives shaped like swastikas…”Let’s remember that this right was grounded in the idea of organizing the revolutionary army against a colonial power that taxed people without representing them and forcibly billeted its military in their homes. The colonists, while rife with their own history of human-rights violations, were not a bunch of disaffected, irrationally angry individual crusaders with an urge to use weapons to threaten civilians.”

It’s also an example of the dangerous feedback loop that occurs when fringe grievances like COVID-19 lockdowns or false stories about voter fraud are amplified by legitimate voices, like elected GOP officials or Fox News, and then fed back into fringe networks like MyMilitia, per Tess Owens in Vice.

The end result of that feedback loop is what we see playing out in The Oath Keepers, (sister militia to the III%ers), “an armed right-wing organisation that boasts tens of thousands of members with law enforcement and military backgrounds, was one of several groups to demonstrate in Washington over the weekend at the “Million MAGA March” in support of Donald Trump, whom news networks project has lost the 2020 election. “I think about half this country won’t recognise Biden as legitimate. They won’t recognise this election,” Stewart Rhodes, who founded the Oath Keepers, told The Independent on Saturday in the nation’s capital,” as reported in The Independent.

‘“What that means is that everything that comes out of his mouth will be considered not of any force or effect, anything he signs into law we won’t recognise as legitimate. We’ll be very much like the founding fathers. We’ll end up nullifying and resisting,” Mr Rhodes said. Thousands of Trump supporters — including members of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys, the Boogaloo Boys, and the Oath Keepers, as well as ordinary American citizens — participated in the march, which was pervaded by a sense that the 2020 election was stolen from Mr Trump,’ also from The Independent.

As explored in Vice, ‘“MyMilitia is like Amazon for people on the fringe,” said Brian Levin, who heads the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino. “The difference is that people here are armed, and they’re reading Canadian manuals about how to blow up tanks.”’ Later in the article, when discussing people who are opposed to fascism (like white nationalism, white supremacy and other incarnations of the authoritarian movement best known for its genocides in Germany and Chile), people known as antifa, short for antifascists, Levin continues:

This article will shine some sunlight on members from three militias, We The People III% Militia, Illinois Sons of Liberty and the entry pool for My Militia, called “Roll Call.” Names, pictures and residential information will be made available on the following people:

Paul Jepsen, George Mendyk, Michele Gropp, Caleb Janssen, David Melvin, Jim Zywick, Richard C Fischer, Charles “Shorty” Thompson, Nick Snyder Sr, Cynthia Maue, Craig Ray Harris Laurant, Michael Pacha, James S Persman, Rebecca Barnes, Tim Glasscock, Terrence Carlino, & Tim Gottmann. 



There will be more articles forthcoming.

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Kahl O’Dournian, nasty racist troll, admin of Make Americans American Again + Make Women Women Again aka Kyle Dean Dornan of Maharishi International University in Fairfield IA

Special thanks to the tipsters who sent this our way!

Have you ever stumbled across some armpit of social media then wonder, wtf who would even make this? That was our experience as we dove into the 8chan troll who’s migrated platforms to pollute Facebook.

The Facebook page of Kahl O’Dournian is overlaid with racist, homophobic, anti-trans, anti-Semitic rhetoric and imagery is intermingled with a very wrongheaded interpretation of author George Orwell’s ideas. Let’s set the record straight: lifelong socialist Orwell fought in the Spanish Civil War against Franco’s fascism and would have no part of this Kahl chud’s hatred of Jews and people of color. Like read Orwell’s book Homage to Catalonia before besmirching his name on a crappy Facebook page. It’s entirely possible that Kahl will delete or disable his Facebook page in order to avoid being held accountable. We have taken screenshots of his account and the account he admins.

CW: racist, transphobic, misogynistic, anti-Muslim and anti-Semitic content



Clearly, Kahl propagates the longest held white supremacist trope: the conspiracy theory of “white genocide” or “Great Replacement/Great Replacement Theory.”

As explained by the ADL: “‘White Genocide’ is a term coined by white supremacists for propaganda purposes as shorthand for one of the most deeply held modern white supremacist convictions: that the white race is ‘dying’ due to growing non-white populations and ‘forced assimilation,’ all of which are deliberately engineered and controlled by a Jewish conspiracy to destroy the white race. This same conviction can be seen in the so-called ‘14 Words‘ the most popular white supremacist slogan around the globe: ‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.’ [Editors note: We link to the ADL with some hesitation and include this critique of them and their work to be considered equally]” For further reading on the white nationalist conspiracy theory on “white genocide,” see articles from Jacobin and Irish Times.

In addition to perpetuating the White Genocide lie,  Kahl supports and shares the Estoteric Hitlerism myth that just won’t die about Hitler & Co relocating to Antartica. Especially troubling is that Kahl seems supportive of the Nazis supposed actions, up to and including how they kidnapped 1 million Ukrainian women to be raped and forced to bear children. The German Base on Antartica myth has long been debunked by researchers and war historians.

First there’s the appearance of Pepe the Frog, a pin of whom white nationalist Richard Spencer was wearing when he was punched at Trump’s inauguration. Pepe has become the face of the rising new white supremacy aka the Alt-Right, although that term isn’t used as pervasively as it once was. The Telegraph offers a deep dive into Pepe and its creator’s journey to wrestle the cartoon away from the fascists.

Further, we get a glimpse of Kahl’s face with his worship of Kek the frog, a symbol of the white nationalist movement. Kek, as the SPLC explains, is “Kek, in the alt-right’s telling, is the ‘deity’ of the semi-ironic ‘religion’ the white nationalist movement has created for itself online – partly for amusement, as a way to troll liberals and self-righteous conservatives both, and to make a kind of political point. He is a god of chaos and darkness, with the head of a frog, the source of their memetic ‘magic,’ to whom the alt-right and Donald Trump owe their success, according to their own explanations.”

And do note the mention of “mala” which a string of prayer beads commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Shintō and other traditions for the spiritual practice known in Sanskrit as japa.

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Jason David Finney, member of white nationalist Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement, Chicago 43rd Ward GOP Committeeperson, & analyst at RJ O’Brien

Once upon the “before times” of the COVID19 pandemic, the Illinois GOP finally and shockingly stood up for what’s right when Holocaust-denier & Nazi Art Jones hopped on the ballot for Congressman Dan Lipinski’s seat for the second time in recent years:

“GOP leaders are endorsing Mike Fricilone and are launching a campaign against his challenger, Neo-Nazi Art Jones.

“Illinois’ 3rd District covers parts of Cook County. Both Republicans are trying to unseat Democrat Dan Lipinski, who has represented that district since 2005.

“Thursday’s message from Illinois Republicans: don’t vote for the neo-Nazi on your primary ballot.

‘”Arthur Jones is a neo-Nazi, an anti-Semite, and Holocaust denier. He is not a Republican. He has no place in a civil society,’ said Illinois GOP Chairman Tim Schneider,” from ABC7 press coverage.

The ILGOP Facebook page paid for and ran ads, and even created a web page encouraging voters to vote against Art, who was on the Republican ticket. Thanks to the exposure, Art did not win the Congressional seat.

We applaud the GOP’s actions and ask them to expand their gaze up inward and up north to the 43rd Ward and its committeepeople. For those who don’t know, a ward committeeperson is an unpaid, political-party leadership position who voters elect. Committeeperson is the exact pathway that Speaker of the IL Statehouse Mike Madigan walked upon to begin his journey in politics a thousand years ago. And look at him now!

As we originally reported in March, on Panic! in the Discord!, Jason David Finney was on the ballot for an uncontested seat for the 43rd Ward Committeeperson and was been revealed to be a dues-paying member of white nationalist group Identity Evropa, now rebranded as American Identity Movement.

Since then, Jason has won the 43rd Ward Committeeperson seat and the GOP has yet another public nazi in their ranks.

Who is Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement?

Established in 2016, Identity Evropa, an American Neo-Nazi organization, is most infamous for its involvement in the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, where antifascist Heather Heyer was killed by James Alex Fields Jr. Identity Evropa’s founder and former leader, Nathan Damigo, is well-known for assaulting both a femme antifascist protester as well as an Arab cab driver in an armed robbery, where he pulled a loaded gun in the face of an innocent man for “looking Iraqi.” Former IE members include the attempted Amtrak hijacker Taylor Wilson, and the fascist Nolan Brewer that set a synagogue outbuilding on fire in Carmel, Indiana. After March 2019, when independent journalist group Unicorn Riot leaked their internal communications revealing their white nationalist agenda and goals, Identity Evropa scrambled to re-brand as the American Identity Movement. The new group stayed the same, aside from the name change. They maintained the same members, the creepy CEO, the dues structure, and of course, the national communication structure. To explore Unicorn Riot’s extensive reporting and publishing of Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement’s “Nice Respectable People” internal communications server, see the collected works on their website. It is from those articles and internal communiques that we will be posting information about Jason and others. Further, Identity Evropa/American Identity Movement is classified as a white supremacist organization by the Anti-Defamation League and is designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. American Identity Movement is abbreviated as “AmIM” to avoid any confusion with and unintentional disrespect to the original AIM, the American Indian Movement.

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Travis Beau Golie: Charlatan of the White Lives Matter Movement, Patriot Front fanboy & Fash Bash 2019 speaker, living in Champaign-Urbana, IL area

February 2021 update:  Travis Golie and Ken Zrallack aka Kevin Harris, both white nationalists with ties to organized hate groups Patriot Front, White Lives Matter and New Jersey European Heritage Association, have relocated to a new home in Chrisman IL. The two men live with their children. They are currently renting 202 E Madison Ave Chrisman, IL 61924, which belongs to Theresa and Robert Johnson, potentially managed by their son Brandon, all of whom can be politely notified of their tenants’ ideologies here:;; 


August 2020 original content, address and landlord information updated: 
Travis Beau Golie has long lived in the shadow of his best friend and possible FBI snitch, Kenneth Gary Zrallack who we outed as a member of Patriot Front, founder of Battalion14/CT White Wolves and White Lives Matter movement, member of North East White Power, New Jersey European Heritage Association, and the KKK. Travis has been a part of various white nationalist front groups including Nationalist Movement and White Lives Matter. He has distributed white supremacist literature in support of White Lives Matter, terror group Patriot Front, and New Jersey Heritage Association with Ken Zrallack. They currently live in the small town of Chrisman, IL in the Champaign-Urbana area with his son and daughter, and Ken’s child.
Born in October 1982, Travis struggles for relevancy because his money-making schemes often fall apart, he is frequently denounced and mistrusted by factions of the white nationalist movement, he’s constantly de-platformed, and resorts to throwing white power flyers out of cars in an attempt to recruit new members with Ken. How do we know all of this? 


On Stormfront, a white nationalist internet forum for white supremacists to post articles, engage in discussions, and share news of upcoming racist events Ken tells us. We archived his post, so no one has to visit that cesspool of a website:

But how are we sure that Ken is user B14USA? We explain the trail in his article.

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