We’re going to take a pause from naming the dorks from the tiny cell named “Anti-AntiFa Chicago” to out another local fascist, this time with social media connections to the white nationalist hate group (as so designated by the SPLC and the ADL) Identity Evropa now known as American Identity Movement (AmIM). For the blessedly uninformed, these khakis full of rotting meat were the core organizers for Unite the Right in Charlottesville in 2017, where Identity Evropa and other white nationalist groups marched with torches through the university campus. The next day, a rally attendee drove his freaking car through a crowd of protesters, killing one and injuring dozens. In addition to Heather Heyer’s death and the wounding of dozens more, white supremacists attacked antifascist protesters, beating them in the streets.
That is who Identity Evropa is, no matter how they change their name or change the ways they appear in public to appear less threatening. Their leader bears the mantle of those who came before him, and his obsession with optics and appearances will never mute the fact that these violent Neo-Nazis want an ethnostate for whites only, and casually engage in homophobia, anti-semitism, Islamophobia, xenophobia and misogyny.
So why would anyone be interested in this pack of chuds? Good question. Feel free to ask Chris B Crooks, of Orland Park, IL. His contact info will be on the following page and if you see this face out and about, do ask him: