- 4 year old photo of Nathaniel next to photo of him in front of Patriot Front’s “Hate Bus” after their December 4th March in Washington DC
- Nathaniel Leavitt marching early in the mornings in preparation for Patriot Front’s December 4th march at Washington DC
- Photo of Nathaniel from Facebook compared to him in front of Patriot Front’s “Hate Bus” after their December 4th march in Washington DC.

Nathaniel’s Neo-Nazi sticker collection.
Special thanks to Utah161 for their assistance with this piece.
Background: What is Patriot Front?
Patriot Front was founded in the aftermath of 2017’s deadly “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. James Alex Fields, the Nazi who drove his car into the crowd, killed Heather Heyer and injured dozens of others, marched at the rally with Thomas Rousseau of Vanguard America. Soon after, Rousseau formed Patriot Front as a splinter group of Vanguard America. The then-teenage founder, Thomas Rousseau, seized membership and assets of Vanguard America and rebranded his group as Patriot Front.
While the organization uses red, white, and blue patriotic imagery, Patriot Front is unambiguously white nationalist, stating that “Nationhood cannot be bestowed upon those who are not of the founding [white] stock of our people.” The organization is also fascist, an early text was titled “American Fascist Manifesto”, and involves Neo-Nazis within its ranks. Since 2017, Patriot Front has also held “flash mob” events, where they are easily spotted in their “uniform” of khaki pants, polo shirts, ball caps, and white gaiter masks, while carrying American flags, smoke bombs or other props. At these events, their uniformed members will unload from the back of a rented U-Haul or Penske box truck, then briefly march along their planned route through the city, usually at night when there are few bystanders. The purpose of these marches is to generate footage for a few minutes of flashy recruitment videos for their social media channels. As well as holding flash rallies featuring masked participants, Patriot Front regularly spreads propaganda in the form of stickers, banners, and stencil graffiti. Patriot Front’s goal is often intimidation–for example, when it targets synagogues with propaganda for the racist group. Following 2020’s mass anti-racist protests and uprisings, Patriot Front has increasingly targeted Black Lives Matter and racial justice murals for defacement. Patriot Front does this both to threaten its perceived enemies and to build notoriety for the organization. Today, Patriot Front is one of the most active distributors of racist and antisemitic propaganda in the country, both online and via fliers, stickers, and banners. According to their own manifesto, the group does not allow women to join and is actively working to create a whites-only ethnostate.
On January 21 2022, as Patriot Front was attempting to march at the anti-abortion protest in DC, independent media outlet Unicorn Riot released 500GB of Patriot Front’s unaltered internal communications. The leaks include “private, unedited videos and direct messages reveal a campaign to organize acts of racial hatred while indoctrinating teenagers into national socialism (Nazism).”
The full Patriot Front communications, photos, and videos are hosted on Unicorn Riot’s website. The January 2022 leaks of Patriot Front’s inner workings, white supremacist rhetoric, connections to the US military, and attempts to infiltrate mainstream conservative movements have been published widely in national media outlets [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
Activities of Patriot Front Member “Clarke – MO” aka Nathaniel Joshua Leavitt
First, do note that once members are granted access to the Patriot Front internal communications server, they choose a false name for themselves. That name corresponds with the state they live and their title, if applicable. In Patriot Front servers, Nathaniel Leavitt is known as “Clarke MO @PF-256712“. Further, the different areas where Patriot Front is active are referred to as networks. Clarke is a member of Network 13, abbreviated as NW13.
In Patriot Front’s Rocketchat he mentions putting up stickers in Springfield, Missouri rather frequently[6].
We also know that he has put up stickers in Ozark and Sequiota Park [7].
Nathaniel was in attendance for Patriot Front’s March on December 4th at the National Mall in Washington DC because he coordinated being picked up by “Leo MO” [8]. After the march, “Mark MO” aka Ian Fletcher sends Nathaniel a photo in front of Patriot Front’s then re-decorated “hate bus,” which was used to transport many members from Missouri to Washington DC [9]. Nathaniel is pictured in the photo, on the right.
Compared to other photographs obtained during our open source intelligence research, we are able to positively confirm that Clarke MO is Nathaniel Leavitt of Springfield, Missouri.
- 4 year old photo of Nathaniel next to photo of him in front of Patriot Front’s “Hate Bus” after their December 4th March in Washington DC
- Nathaniel Leavitt marching early in the mornings in preparation for Patriot Front’s December 4th march at Washington DC
- Photo of Nathaniel from Facebook compared to him in front of Patriot Front’s “Hate Bus” after their December 4th march in Washington DC.
Nathaniel’s sticker collection contains many hateful antisemitic and racist references, which is just a peek into the hateful personality that drove Nathaniel to join Patriot Front in the first place[10]. We won’t be posting a photo of them here, but you can click on the link to view them. One of his stickers even depicts murderer Kyle Rittenhouse as a saint. Yikes.
Nathaniel Leavitt’s Trace & Confirmation
Nathaniel Leavitt aka “Clarke MO” posts his address with rough coordinates in a message to “Leo MO” [11].
With a little digging, we were able to obtain crash reports from the Springfield Police Department for the week prior to this message (11/08/2021-11/02/2021) and only one crash report mentioned two male victims. Additionally, the address in the crash report mentions an address for Nathaniel – 543 E Montclair St. When we compare this address to the coordinates mentioned earlier, we can see it is right across the street.
Action Items
- Let the Subway inside the Wal-Mart in Springfield MO know that Nathaniel Leavitt, one of their sandwich makers, is a member of Patriot Front, a violent white nationalist group recently arrested ahead of a Pride March in Coire d’Alene. That Subway can be reached at (417) 823-8848 or tell them on twitter @Subway about the fascist working at Springfield Subway #155, per yelp
- Please spread this dossier to your comrades in Springfield, Missouri and let them know a Nazi lives in the neighborhood!